The Wave Equation Essential GCSE Physics 38.2 A. 0.74 m B. 0.0023 s Essential GCSE Physics 38.8 A. 6E+14 Hz B. frequency = 6E+14 Hz wavelength = 3.3E-7 Hz Essential GCSE Physics 38.9 A. 1.33 Hz Essential GCSE Physics 38.19 A. 2.9 m Finding Frequency A. 7.5*10^14 Hz Ship in a Bath A. The ship bobs up and down in a sinusoidal fashion with frequency 1.5Hz B. 1.8 ms^-1 Noise Production A. Sound waves are longitudinal waves, they are made up of regions of higher air pressure, compressions, and regions of lower air pressure, rarefactions. B. 0.67 m C. 0.33 m D. The new sound is higher and has the same volume. Finding Wave Speed A. 0.5 ms^-1 Break Free A. 0.50 None B. 1.2 C. T=((2*pi*v)/g) Waving Along A. 0.44 ms^-1 B. 180 Hz C. Jm^-2